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- C o u n t e r -

   July 7 2001
More News[ ShadrocK ]
OK, I just wanted to update the Revolutionites on a few different items going on. The Download and Library sections are currently being worked on. Actually I'm giving Ned the opportunity to create the page. He wanted to give it a try so I told him he could. If what he does is butt ass ugly, then it will truly be by NedFlanders. Also about the new editor that was announed over a week ago. That doesn't look like its going to happen now. The CSBC had an idea to make Black Knight an editor and allow him to contribute to news updates. We figured he would bring a different type of news and it would add some more humor to the site. With the RTB and CSBC situation, that isn't going to happen now unless Black Knight wants to. I personally hope he would but I doubt it. RTB is basically the type of clan that the CSBC is making fun of. I thought FKM was pretty uptight, RTB takes that clan more seriously than life itself. If anyone ever needed to relax and get laid, its Freedom. Tallgeese of FKM comes in a close 2nd. I mean come on people, its a video game, chill out and don't stress yourselves out. I would also like to announce that the authors page has been updated. A few names were removed. If I missed anyone then email the site or get in touch with NedFlanders. Also if there are any new members that is not up on the authors site you can do the same thing. I just wanted to make another little personal note here. I recently got ICQ'd by someone that wanted to talk about CS. I do not mind talking to different people but I am not really a big CS fan so talking about CS on ICQ isn't on the top of my list of things to do. The web site is enough CS for me. I mean you can talk to me about the site or ask questions but no CS talk please. I do not want to sound rude but I just do the html and attempt some humor with the news and other content on the site. I do not play the game or really know a great deal about it.

   June 7 2001
A note on pharcyder[ ShadrocK ]
I just wanted to talk briefly about this pharcyder situation. Now I'm going to break character here and be real for just a minute. I am sure most of you understand what the CSBC is truly about. Its about bringing back some fun and humor to the game of CS. This site was created to break the seriousness that seems to be so dominant around a video game. Now myself, I have to be honest here, I do not play Counter-Strike. I just do the html for the website and update the news whenever I think of some news item that I find funny and hopefully someone else will too. Anyways, Ned is a personal friend of mine and I have known him since the 4th grade. I do not know anything about what he does online unless he tells me. I do not really understand what this pharcyder bullshit is about nor do I care. If you get that upset at a video game then you have some serious mental problems. It seems as though pharcyder has already done some damage as a few members of the CSBC have left. Also from what I understand the CSBC is now shitlisted by the RTB. Not that I care but I find it interesting how one person can cause so much damage. I also have read the several forum messages that pharcyder wrote and what can I say, its really stupid stuff. I mean come on, TuFF rules. No really, its pretty stupid stuff there and I hope this dude just chills a bit. I did get an email from someone asking us to ban and delete his posts. I will absolutely not do that under and circumstances. The CSBC is 100 % behind freedom of speech and it will always stand behind that right. What people have to understand is that what is said on the internet is really not that important. People will sac up and say anything on the internet because they do not have to deal with them face to face. They go from chicken shit morons to brave little punks when they get on the Net. I am personally involved in this site for fun and just as a hobby. I will continue to do so because some little punk who thinks he is all that behind a computer screen does not phase me one bit. Can he really hack web sites and PC's? I guess so or that is what NedFlanders says. So the only thing I can say is to be careful with what you say and just do not take anything personal. Its the internet, do not transfer this stuff to your real life. If you do take morons like pharcyder serious and get truly upset, maybe you need to take a step back and realize that life provides a great deal more with real people and real relationships. Ok, my long ramble is over. Just remember, have fun and relax. If someone says something stupid and ignorant, just let it go.

   July 7 2001
Pulitzer CSBC member for June[ seezar ]
The CSBC would proudly like to announce its Pulitzer Prize CSBC member of the month of June. This is an award that is highly regarded not only within the CSBC, but with hardcore book readers across the nation. The CSBC would like to award this highly honorable prize to Durex. Not only has Durex been a prime example of what a CSBC Revolutionite should be, but he also lead the way by reading even more books that the great seezar. Congratulations Durex and if you would like your award mailed to you, just message NedFlanders as he will take care of everything. I do have a small surprise for you though. On behalf of the CSBC Editors and aphex twin, you win a full night with aph3x where she will turn all the tricks that you desire. Congratulations Durex and keep on making the hardcore book readers and the CSBC proud.

   July 7 2001
Lack of Updates[ ShadrocK ]
Its been a while since the CSBC has provided an update for all the hardcore Book Readers of the Book Revolution. Well I decided to read War & Peace again and it basically took up all my time. I tried to get NedFlanders to update the page but Ned knows html like a blind bob knows sunlight. Anyways I have plenty of news to update the Revolutionites with. Unfortunately until NedFlanders learns how to update the page, updated news will be only from time to time. Anyways, I'll have more updates soon. Just remember Revolutionites, no matter what happens to the CSBC, keep the spirit alive and keep on reading those books. The CSBC has converted a few individuals into hardcore book readers and as far as I am concerned, that is a great accomplishment. Just a tip, never lick your fingers while reading a book from the public library. NedFlanders often checks out books from the library so you can only imagine what might be on those pages.

   June 27 2001
New Editor?[ ShadrocK ]
CSBC would like to announce that it has begun negotiations with one of the more interesting literary minds of the CS community to join the CSBC as a highly decorated Editor. This person of who can not name at this time has been well known around the CS community for being a hardcore book reader and a person who has stretched the boundaries of Freedom Of Speech. The CSBC feels that the Book Revolution needs a voice that will not be afraid to say anything. We need a Revolutionite who can not only bring out contraversy, but also help bring the vagrant non book readers into the Book Revolution. Hopefully soon an agreement will become official and this literary genius can start writing and spreading the word of the new revolution....The Book Revolution.

   June 27 2001
New Member[ seezar ]
The Book Revolution would like to add a new Novelist to the growing list of Revolutionites. The CSBC welcomes Azeroth to the Book Revolution. I am sure Azeroth will be a dedicated soldier to the enforcement of the Book Revolution. The seezar would like to inform the Revolutionites of a a new rule that has been added to the CSBC Bible. From this point on I decree with the power given to me as the seezar of the Counter Strike Book Club that no member of the CSBC shall ever bitch, whine, or cry about cheating or anything else that goes on in the game of CS. You have three choices at your disposal when playing CS. You can play the game with having fun and relaxing as your goal. There are around 7,000 CS servers that you can choose from, if you are on a server that has people cheating, change servers. The third option is to simply stop playing the game. Here is the part I want to stress. It would sadden me to lose a hardcore book reader of the Book Revolution to cheating, but if you do decide to quit the game, just stop playing and do NOT bother give some bullshit speech on how you can not play the game because of personal reasons or some other horseshit reasons. Now that may sound sort of harsh but the CSBC believes in helping out its fellow book readers. What we would be saving you from is a lifetime of dorkchopism. You just do not realize how gay you sound when talking about quitting a video game because of personal reasons. Sac up, be a man, get a fucking life.

   June 27 2001
Writer's Block[ ShadrocK ]
The CSBC has literally received countless emails wondering where we have been the past few days. Well hardcore book readers, something horrible has happened within the CSBC. Its so devastating that it nearly caused the demise of the Book Revolution. Your Authors, seezar, Ned, and myself, we had writers block. Yes, its true, the great literary minds of the CSBC did indeed have a case of writer's block and it caused a major panic within the Book Club. Are we out of the woods yet as far as the writer's block? Hopefully, but time will only tell. So I make a request to all the hardcore book readers of the Counter Strike Book Club, please, when you are saying a prayer to the Spiritual Leader of the CSBC, ask Oprah to provide us the creative ideas and words to keep this Book Revolution and the Revolutionites on track so we can not only keep the cause of bringing the joy of reading to the CS community, but to also provide joy to each and every Revolutionite alive.

   June 22 2001
New Members & Weekend[ ShadrocK ]
Well it certainly seems that the Book Revolution is growing at an incredible rate. There are a few new members out there who I have yet to update on the Authors page. If you see that you are not on the Authors page email the CSBC and inform us. The CSBC would also like to announce that the Official first annual Book Orgy is this weekend. Thats right Revolutionites, hardcore book reading all night long for two nights with a large group of diehard book readers. So as usual there will be no new updates til Monday. So remember Revolutionites, Be Good To Yourself, Read a Book, and please DO NOT forget to pray to the CSBC official Spiritual Leader...Oprah...for guidance and the strength to keep on reading.

   June 21 2001
Books in the news[ ShadrocK ]
First the CSBC would like to inform the thousands of hardcore book readers on the status of the download and library sections. We had planned for them to be up by this week but to be honest the seezar is to busy dictating power and I'm busy reading Harry Potter's The Scorcer's Stone(Thanks Misty). They should be up sometime soon. Now the CSBC would like to make an official statement on the murder by a young male who used a Book as a murder weapon against his younger sister. The CSBC is deeply saddened by this incident. The fact that some young person would use a book to cause harm instead of using the enjoyment of literature to enlighten his world just has the Book Revolution in a state of confusion. I would like to make a plea to not only the hardcore book readers of the Book Revolution, but to all of those who own a book. Please, do not use books to inflict harm to others. Its not what books are for. When you feel the urge to strike another with a book, please, do everyone a favor, open the book and start reading it. You will find great pleasure in the joys of reading. Plus, leave the using books as a weapon to the professionals, leave that to the Counter Strike Book Club

   June 21 2001
Thank You Revolutionites[ seezar ]
The CSBC would just like to thank all the hardcore book readers of the Book Revolution for welcoming our visually challenged Revolutionite Blind Bob. From what I hear Blind Bob has been accepted with Open Arms and has received a tremendous amount of help from not only CSBC members but other hardcore book readers from around the CS community. Just remember book readers to have patience and to provide a helping hand with Blind Bob. Bob plays the game through sound only so helping him along with footsteps and gun fire will make a huge difference in Bob's performance. Also, please remember that Bob's response to the chat maybe a bit slow since he is using a brail printer for all chat dialog. Just a little note on Bob. Bob is blind because his mother abused crack and heroin while she was pregnant with him. So if any of you hardcore book readers are ever faced with the opportunities to do crack or heroin, please stop, pull our your library card, and tell that drug dealer that you are a card carrying member of the Counter Strike Book Club and we just say no to drugs. Drugs not only can cause harm to one's own health, they could impair your ability to read.

   June 19 2001
Promotion for Durex & New Novelist[ ShadrocK ]
The CSBC is excited to announce the promotion of Durex to author status. Durex has not only been a dedicated hardcore book reader for the Book Revolution, he has also wore the tag with pride an honor not to mention leading all Revolutionites in books read for the month of June. Could Durex be the 1st CSBC Pulitzer Prize winner? Looks that way unless some of you Revolutionites dedicate yourselves to a few all night hardcore book reading sessions. CSBC would also like to welcome GoldFinger to the Book Revolution. Now GoldFinger isn't as accomplished of a player as most of the other Revolutionites, but the Finger can read a book with the best of them. As a matter of fact GoldFinger's stats are actually worse than Blind Bob's but CS skills is not a requirement to become a hardcore Revolutionite. Remember, if you can read and write, then as the great band Journey says, we will welcome you with Open Arms.

   June 19 2001
New Novelist & Personal Note[ NedFlanders ]
The CSBC would like to welcome TimeStalker to the Book Revolution. The CSBC is sure that TimeStalker will not only provide excellent play with CS, but also provide each Revolutionite an example of how to spread the mission of the CSBC to all the non-bookreaders. I would also like to mention that there is a new Poll of the Week. I would like all hardcore Revolutionites to participate in the poll as it will help dictate the content in version 2.0 that should be launched late July. A final note on what was an otherwise quiet day in the CSBC. If you plan on stop playing CS because of the cheating or whatever, do everyone a favor, just stop playing the game and do not announce it to the public like anyone gives a damn. I mean come on, stop the crying and bitching. Sac up and either play the game or do everyone a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP.

   June 18 2001
New position for aph3x tw1n[ NedFlanders ]
The CSBC would like to announce a new position for aph3x tw1n within the CSBC. Well, it may not be a new position for her but it will be within the Book Revolution. Many have wondered how we support ourselves financially to spread the enjoyment of reading to the CS community. Well, its been hard but we have been getting by with just selling used books at a discount rate. Well the Book Revolution is growing and the cause needs to get stronger. So we have asked aph3x tw1n to become the official CSBC trick turner. Aphex has agreed and we would like to thank her efforts in help backing the Book Revolution financially. Now there will be a discount rate for all Revolutionites out there. Let me tell you, I have personally tried out the merchandise and at a discount rate, its worth it. And remember Revolutionites, Ho's have to read too.

   June 18 2001
CSBC official T-Shirts[ seezar ]
Possibly the biggest question the CSBC receives from the hardcore book readers is how can they show their pride in the CSBC to the general public. Its a question that we now have an answer for. The CSBC would like to announce that when version 2.0 of the CSBC: The Book Revolution online is launched, a new line of exciting t-shirts will be available to order for all the Revolutionites to wear proudly. We do not have a prototype t-shirt available for viewing at this point because the CSBC is in negotiations with none other than FUBU to provide the quality t-shirts. Its been a known fact that the creators of FUBU are diehard book readers and it would be a great relationship between the two groups to provide every hardcore book reader not only a quality CSBC t-shirt, but a hip one.

   June 18 2001
CSBC welcomes Khiafin[ ShadrocK ]
The CSBC would like to announce not only a new Revolutionite to the CSBC, but a new position in the Book Revolution. Every book club needs an official critic and that is what Khiafin will function as. Khiafin will not only provide excellent critical analysis of CSBC endorsed works, but will contribute to the cause of providing reading habits to all of the CS community. Welcome Khiafin to the revolution that God himself endorses...The Book Revolution.

   June 18 2001
CSBC is back from the seminar[ ShadrocK ]
Well the CSBC is back from a fun filled and exciting weekend seminar on Harry Potter. The CSBC would like to thank the hundreds of people who came up to us and told how they were Revolutionites and how the Book Revolution has changed their lives. I would also on a personal note like to thank the very attractive young lady named Stephanie. We met at the seminar and ended up having a long night of hardcore book reading. Stephanie, you are a great book reader and hopefully we will be able to read more books together. This leads me to another tip care of the CSBC. There is alot of dangerous sexually trasmitted diseases going around in todays world. The CSBC would like to make a plea to all the hardcore book readers of the CSBC. Whenever you are feeling the urge to have sexual relations with another person, please refrain from this urge and do what everyone in the world should be doing, start reading a book. Books not only rule, but they prevent sexually trasmitted diseases.

   June 15 2001
Journey's status with the CSBC[ ShadrocK ]
This will be the final news update til next Monday as the Editors and I have a weekend long seminar to attend. This seminar is an important seminar as it will in detail talk about the Joys of reading Harry Potter books. Anyways, the CSBC would like to update the Revolutionites on the status of Journey as the official music of the Book Revolution. Revolutionites, do not fear, Journey is and will always be the official music of the CSBC. We just felt a need to make a change with our intro theme as well as allow other hardcore bookreading bands to participate in the Book Revolution. So remember, keep on rock to Journey as well as other CSBC official music because they jam big time, almost jam as much as Books. Be good to yourselves...read a BOOK.

   June 15 2001
CSBC promotes Black Knight to Author[ NedFlanders ]
The CSBC is proud to announce that Black Knight has been promoted to Author status within the Book Revolution. Black Knight has not only been a proud member of the CSBC, but Mr Knight has been working endlessly reaching out to his African American CS community and preaching the words of the Book Revolution. Congratulations Black Knight on your promotion and keep up the good work with your duties of representing the African American hardcore bookreaders.

   June 15 2001
CSBC Welcomes Blind Bob[ seezar ]
The CSBC would like to announce a very special inductee to the Book Revolution. Blind Bob is not only our first blind CS Revolutionite, but he is now the official leader of the hardcore audio book listeners. Yes Blind Bob is blind and plays the game only through sound, but he is ranked #1 by the clq.com for blind CS players. With this induction not only has the CSBC reached out to the visually challenged, but we are now for the first time ever promoting audio books. We would also like to announce that the CSBC has become the official CS clan of the AAB: American Association of the Blind. Thank you AAB and remember people, just because you are blind does not mean you can not play CS and most importantly be a major contributer to the new revolution...The Book Revolution

   June 15 2001
Someone Needs To Read a Book on Fairness[ NedFlanders ]
This is the legendary and the official Assmaster of the CSBC: The Book Revolution v1.5. I have some news I'd like to share with the hardcore book readers within the CS Coummunity. Recently, on one of the official favorite sites of the CSBC, I was playing against a anti-booker named Gladiator of the CSA clan. The CSBC believe and promotes honesty and fair play among its book readers and believes that it will promote the cause of the Book Revolution. But when someone who is not only anti-book, but also endorses and participates in unfair play, we will call them out. CSA does not only have members which participate in these unfair tactics(wallhacking most common), CSA as a whole encourages dishonesty and unfair tactics within their clan. Its unfortunate that CS has become a game filled with cheating and dishonest individuals, but the CSBC will work even harder to turn these anti-bookreaders into Revolutionites. Now I have a small recommendation for these dishonest individuals, please go read the bible that spreads the worth and truth of honest and fairness. No, i'm not talking about that bible you use in church, I'm talking about the updated and exciting CSBC Bible. Remember, being truthful and playing fair is good, but reading books on truth and playing fair Rules

   June 15 2001
Library & Downloads sections[ ShadrocK ]
While the launch of v1.5 has been met with huge excitement from the hardcore book readers of the CSBC, I have received hundreds of emails about the library, download, and oprah shrine section. Well the library and download sections should be up and ready to be read by the Revolutionites sometime in the middle of next week. As far as the shrine to the official Spiritual Leader of the CSBC, I hope to have that done by the launch of v2.0. Oprah is a very important part of the CSBC and we will not release a shrine that is anything less than perfect. A little note to the naysayers of the CSBC. I know there is a large group of individuals that are upset at the success and following the Book Revolution has received in just a short time. I shall provide this one warning. If you mess with any member of the CSBC or disturb our reading time in any way, the holy anger of God himself, the almight bookreader of all, shall strike down upon thee with great vengence and furious anger.

   June 14 2001
New Official Intro Theme[ ShadrocK ]
Well with the launch of version 1.5 of the Book Revolution online we have exciting news for all the hardcore revolutionites. The CSBC has decided to go there seperate ways with Journey as our official intro theme and sign with the hard rock band TuFF to provide us with a new intro theme. In honor of our book of the month and the fact that hair bands are cool, the CSBC would like to announce that our new intro song is TuFF's American Hairband. Its been a pretty known fact that 80s Hard Rock bands are dedicated hardcore book readers and we felt the need to reach that core of revolutionites. Thats not the only reason. The simple fact is American Hairbands kick butt, just like books, they kick some serious butt.

   June 13 2001
CSBC welcomes Zeek[ ShadrocK ]
Well the CSBC would like to announce that Zeek has decided to join the hardcore book revolutionites in their cause of bringing the wonderful world of literature to the CS community. Welcome Zeek and hopefully your involvement in the Book Revolution will be productive and revolutionary.

   June 13 2001
CSBC v 1.5[ ShadrocK ]
Well here is CSBC: The Book Revolution 1.5. While still working on v2.0 I figured I might as well release a minor upgraded version for all you hardcore Revolutionites. CSBC is hard at work on v2.0 which when released will take the literary world of CS by storm. Thats all the news for now, some big news is on the way and should be announced tomorrow.

Click for news archive

CSBC: The Book Revolution v1.5 2001
Webmasters: Seezar & ShadrocK
Assmaster: NedFlanders

Pic credited to Bill Nye The Science Guy

Poll of the Week

CSBC Poll of the Week

What would you like to see in CSBC v 2.0?

More B & E (Books & Essays).
More helpful book survival tips from the CSBC Authors.
CSBC merchandise for sale.
aph3x tw1n turning tricks on a webcam.



Book Lessons

Won :0
Lost : 0
Draw : 0

Download of the week

CSBC Official Spray

CSBC Favorite Servers -

Lube 1: 64:192:12:197:27005
Atomic Slay City:
GL Dust:

Official CSBC Music

New CSBC Intro Theme

S p o n s o r s